To celebrate 13 weeks of winter, Winterviews is conducting interviews with various book and author communities across the internet. Once a week, we’ll interview a new community to find out what makes that community great.
Join us on the hashtag #13Winterviews, or join in the fun with tonight’s community spotlight #BookishTues on twitter! Without further ado, lets get down to the interview!
Can you tell us a little bit about #BookishTues?
#BookishTues is a weekly writing prompt on Twitter that has a weekly theme.
What prompted the idea to start #BookishTues?
I started #BookishTues because I was looking for a way to connect with other writers. In January 2017 I sat down and planned out the themes for the entire year. Then I made the little graphic. The very first #BookishTues, there was only one other writer to post to the prompt. By the end of the month, I had about forty writers. From there, it just took off! The prompt is starting its 4th year. I’ve just created the themes for 2020 and will be creating a brand new graphic to accompany the themes.

I’ve connected with writers from all over the world. Being able to bounce ideas off of each other and sharing knowledge has been something I could never put a price on. It continually pushes me to keep writing, keep going.
What three things does someone not know about you or #BookishTues?
- I have an auto-immune disease. It likes to flip me the bird. When it does, I give it the middle finger salute right back.
- If it wasn’t for Catherine Stein (Twitter: @catsteinbooks) participating that first week of #BookishTues, it probably would have given it up and not posted the theme for the second week.
- I plan the themes out for the whole year in one go. The month-at-a-glance graphics are all done by the end of January.
What one tip did you learn from #BookishTues?
That if you run a hashtag writing prompt on Twitter and it gains popularity, you will start to get people using the hashtag for random, unrelated tweets. Shrug and keep going.
Any advice or quote that you live by?
“Just keep swimming” – Dory

Hosting Authors
Nicola Noble@_nicolanoble_